A positive pregnancy result can change your life and your relationship. You and your partner now have to make a critical decision: will you carry your pregnancy to term, or will you abort? 

How will this impact your relationship? What if you disagree?

If you are leaning toward abortion and you’re unsure how your partner may take it, you may wonder if you should keep it a secret. 

While you don’t have to tell your partner, you might want to for your future together. Keep reading to think through some considerations.

1. Safety First

As you consider whether to tell your partner about your pregnancy or potential abortion choice, you will want to evaluate your safety.

Are you afraid of how your partner may react? Do you think he would ever harm you physically, emotionally, or verbally? Is he unpredictable?

If worried about your safety, you can either alter how you talk with him (on the phone, in a public place, with a friend, etc.) or decide it’s healthier to part ways.

If you keep a secret and your partner has abusive tendencies, it could be dangerous if the secret surfaces later on while you’re together. Consider your relationship and whether or not you are safe with him. 

2. Your Future Together

If you do not have safety concerns and have a healthy relationship you want to continue, you may want to tell your partner about your potential abortion choice.

Healthy relationships require a strong foundation of trust, honesty, and respect. If you keep a significant secret from your partner and he finds out later, it could compromise your relationship. 

While you may not want to tell him because you don’t want him to be upset or consider breaking up, not telling him could lead to the same result. However, if you are open, honest, and share your heart with him, you can navigate the pregnancy decision as a couple.

3. Mutual Respect

Even if you do not see a future with your partner, you may desire to tell him about wanting an abortion out of respect for him. This pregnancy decision will impact him, too. 

Allowing him to know and have an opportunity to share his thoughts and opinions can help him feel like he has a voice. At the same time, you will still make the final decision as the one carrying the pregnancy. 

The Bottom Line: Telling Him Is Up to You

During pregnancy, you have a lot to think about and consider, including whether or not you will tell your partner about your pregnancy and your choices. However, you must make the final decision. 

Sumter Pregnancy Center is here to support you along the way.

Schedule a no-cost appointment to confirm your pregnancy, talk in a safe space, and learn about your pregnancy options and resources. We’re here to help you during this time.