Unexpected pregnancies sometimes occur at difficult times in women’s lives. Women who want to have children someday often find themselves pregnant when having a child would be challenging.

Before making a difficult choice, you need to be sure that you are pregnant. At Sumter Pregnancy Center, we offer free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and comprehensive information on all your options.

Once you know you are pregnant, it is wise to consider the aspects of each option and how they will affect your life. Keep reading to learn about some mental health considerations.

Does Abortion Impact Mental Health?

According to research, experts agree that at least some women do experience significant mental health issues after an abortion experience. 

Women who are most at risk for negative mental health impacts include:

  • Those who feel pressured into an abortion 
  • Those who have existing maternal desires
  • Those who have a history of mental health issues
  • Those who have conflicting moral beliefs

What Are Some Mental Health Effects Of Abortion?

Researchers studying women who have aborted have discovered that women can struggle with anxiety, depression, substance use, and suicidal behaviors. 

The exact mental health effects will depend on each woman. Some women may feel relieved after an abortion, while others could feel loss, sadness, or guilt.

Sometimes, grief after an abortion can surface months or years later. 

Where Can You Find Help?

If you had an abortion and are struggling, know you are not alone. 

You can seek assistance from trusted friends and family or speak with a counselor. Many communities and churches offer accessible mental health resources.

If your problems are severe, or you are considering suicide, please seek immediate help. Call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

Sumter Pregnancy Center’s compassionate staff is here for those struggling after an abortion. Contact us today to learn more about it or schedule an appointment for free pregnancy services.

Where you are considering an abortion or healing from an abortion, we are here to help.