We’re glad you are asking this question because you have other options. But two of those options require you to carry your pregnancy to full term. Let’s discuss your pregnancy and other options to see what’s best for you.

Support During Your Pregnancy

If you need a safe, non-judgmental place to talk about your pregnancy, come to Sumter Pregnancy Center. We can confirm your pregnancy with a free medical-grade pregnancy test. If eligible, we also offer a free limited obstetrical ultrasound.

As your pregnancy continues, we provide free education about prenatal care, pregnancy, and childbirth. You can discuss your options privately with one of our caring client advocates. Let us help you process your feelings about your pregnancy and your future. We’re here for you.

Your Options

You have three options for your pregnancy: an abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting. Take a closer look at each one.


Abortion will end your pregnancy, but at what cost? Having an abortion is a serious medical decision with the potential for physical and emotional consequences. Learning about the various procedures, side effects to expect, and risks is critical.

How far along you are in your pregnancy determines the type of abortion you have. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last period).

Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we do provide fact-based information. Make an appointment at Sumter Pregnancy Center to discuss this and other options.

Making an Adoption Plan

Many myths surround adoption. Most people know very little about the process. Today, the expectant mother makes all the decisions for her child. She chooses the adoptive parents who will raise them, the lifestyle she wants them to have, and the amount of contact she wants.

A loving mother never “gives up” a child. She makes a plan for her child’s future. By choosing an open or semi-open adoption plan, she can have regular contact with her child and their family. Or, if you prefer complete privacy, choose a closed adoption.

It costs the birth parents nothing to place a child for adoption. In most cases, the expectant woman can also receive assistance for medical and legal expenses and other pregnancy-related services. 

Although adoption is not an easy decision, it can be the best choice for your child and your future. We are not affiliated with any adoption agencies and do not profit from this choice. However, we can discuss this option and provide referrals to reputable adoption coordinators.


Just because your pregnancy is unplanned doesn’t mean it is impossible to parent. You would be amazed at the many resources and services available for you and your child. We’re here to help you, too.

Parenting is one of the hardest yet most rewarding jobs you will ever have. We provide parenting education and can answer your questions about your parenting concerns. You can also receive material support like diapers, wipes, formula, baby clothing, toys, etc.

We can help you look closely at your situation and find the help you need.

Schedule an Appointment

More than anything, we do not want you to feel alone. We’re available for tests, options information, or to provide a shoulder to cry on. Get the support you need. 

Make a free appointment at Sumter Pregnancy Center. You can have a brighter future!