An unplanned pregnancy means you have a big decision to make. Choosing between making an adoption plan or abortion results in two very different outcomes. But both involve grief and loss. Only you can decide what is best for you and your future. Start by getting more information and talking through your options. 

Are You Considering an Abortion?

The FDA approves the use of drugs to terminate your pregnancy if it is 10 weeks or less (70 days from the first day of your last period). If you are farther along, it may be necessary to have a surgical procedure. 

An abortion is a serious medical decision, and you should be aware of the procedures, side effects, and potential risks. Before choosing an abortion, you need to confirm your pregnancy is growing. 

A positive pregnancy test result indicates the possibility of pregnancy. But experts estimate as many as 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. It is possible to get a positive pregnancy test days or weeks after you miscarry. 

How do you determine if your pregnancy is developing or if you have miscarried? Ultrasound is the best way to confirm a growing pregnancy. Ultrasound also reveals the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant and if the pregnancy’s location is correct.

If your pregnancy test from Sumter Pregnancy Center is positive and you meet our eligibility requirements, you may receive a free and confidential ultrasound. If you are seriously considering an abortion, don’t skip this critical step.

What Do You Think About Adoption?

Myths and misunderstandings surround adoption. Most people have no idea how it works and how involved an expectant mother can be in the process. Adoption services are free for a woman considering placing her child for adoption.

As the expectant mother or birth mother, you choose the adoptive couple and the future you want for your child. Do you want them to grow up on a farm or a big city? Should they be the oldest or have immediate siblings? You decide who raises them.

You also select the adoption plan you are most comfortable with. Choose between an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. You determine your plan based on how much contact you wish to have with your child and their adoptive family.

In South Carolina, the courts can approve payment for your medical and legal expenses and reasonable living expenses. You can agree to the adoption only after your child is born, and you are free to change your mind anytime before signing the legal documents that give your consent to the adoption.

Which is the Best Decision for You?

No one can legally force you to either have an abortion or place your child for adoption. The choice is totally up to you. Neither option is easy. With abortion, you terminate a pregnancy. With adoption, you terminate your parental rights and responsibilities.

The difference is adoption allows you to build a relationship with your child as they grow. You have a say in their future. But you cannot choose adoption without thorough counseling before, during, and after your child is placed with their adoptive family. 

Just like abortion, you need to understand the process thoroughly before deciding. Sumter Pregnancy Center does not perform or refer for abortions. We have no legal connection with any adoption agencies either. 

However, we can offer free pregnancy services to confirm your pregnancy and option information to help you make the best choice for your future. Schedule your free and confidential appointment today. We’re here for you.