How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion?

Are you torn about how to handle your unexpected pregnancy? It’s a big decision, and we know it’s difficult to make. Both adoption and abortion can involve loss and grief, but placing your child for adoption allows you to watch them grow and be a part of their life. Take a closer look at how

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

There are many factors in abortion safety, and every woman’s health history is unique. As with any medical procedure or prescription drug, it’s essential to consider the risks and side effects before proceeding. Certain situations can make an online or at-home abortion unsafe. These could include ordering drugs online from an unregulated pharmacy, receiving them

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Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Is your girlfriend experiencing an unexpected pregnancy? If she’s already begun seeking information for an abortion, you’ll want to keep reading.  Abortions can be costly, especially if your girlfriend doesn’t have insurance. Here’s a breakdown of abortion costs and if your insurance can help pay for your girlfriend’s procedure.  What Should I Prepare To Pay?

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Is Abortion Painful?

There is a lot to consider when you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. You may wonder if and when to tell your partner, or perhaps you are weighing your options.  Abortion may be on your mind, especially if it seems logical or you know someone who’s had the procedure. Some women worry about the pain

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Abortion affects women’s emotional health to varying degrees. It is normal to experience feelings of grief, anger, sadness, guilt, or shame after an abortion. Emotional pain from abortion can occur immediately following an abortion or can surface months or even years after. However, you deserve to overcome these struggles to lead a healthy life. Mental

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Baby Bottle Boomerang 2021

We have launched a Virtual Baby Bottle Boomerang Drive! Unplanned pregnancy is not taking a vacation during the Covid-19 crisis. As our seasoned supporters know, Baby Bottle Boomerang is one of our largest fundraisers. While we are extremely disappointed to miss interacting with our local churches due to the coronavirus, we know that the health

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